So do I. We all want that healthy lifestyle and be able to wake up each morning feeling good.
That’s probably why you chose to join me here today.
This is where I plan to share all the best ideas I found over the years about feeling good both physically and emotionally.
I enjoy physical fitness and living well. I like all kinds of foods. Try to eat healthy. I generally try to maintain a positive state of mind, even when things may not be going so well.
If I put all the ideas I’m going to share here into a book, it might look something like this…

But it wasn’t always like this. Something happened a number of years back.
Here’s What Didn’t Happen
I didn’t struggle with a smoking addiction. Fortunately, I never touched cigarettes. It is, by the way, one of the worst things you can do to yourself.
If you smoke, get some help and drop the habit. It’s awful. You know that already. If you’re here reading this you probably want to start feeling better and quitting smoking is a great place to start.
You don’t need to hear about all the awful things that happen to your body when you smoke. There’s lots. If you quit, you’ll start feeling amazing right away.
Also, I don’t have a problem with alcohol.
That’s not to say I don’t enjoy a drink from time to time. Sometimes it goes great with dinner and a cool beer on a hot day can be amazing.
I’ve always been a big believer of everything in moderation. But too much is bad for lots of reasons. Most of which you know already and don’t need to hear them all again.
By the way, alcohol dehydrates you and you don’t want to be low on your water. Drinking water regularly is great for you and helps with weight loss.
So if you’re looking to lose weight and tighten up your midsection, consider dropping the booze. Definitely a healthy lifestyle choice.
(That’s one of the many tidbits you’ll find out about in here! But it gets better.)
So You’re Wondering What Did Happen…
I started noticing changes in myself. Physically, I became tired and sluggish. My back started to bother me. I wasn’t sleeping well. Any good exercise habits I had at the time started to dwindle.
I became more impatient and less focused. Didn’t care about my diet and stopped paying attention to what I was eating. Definitely not a healthy lifestyle choice.
Then I had a doctor’s appointment…

Let’s just say it was time to make some healthy lifestyle changes.
I decided to get back into a regular exercise routine. I wanted to start eating healthy again ( that’s always a tough one). Basically… I just wanted to start feeling good again.
Where Did The Idea For Make a Better Body Come From?
I wanted to figure out how to get in shape again and learn the facts to maintaining a healthy body for the long haul.
I discovered there is a ton of information out there when it comes to physical and emotional fitness. Tons! What I learned is that what works great for one person may not be great for somebody else.
Your age, experience and genetics each play a roll when it comes to finding the right regimen of diet and exercise. Also, your state of mind is so important. Hardly anybody I spoke to or things I found seemed to mention that!
Ideas For Healthy Lifestyle Changes Are In Demand
Oh, did I mention diet? A lot of people I know wrestle with eating right. Me included. This is something I’m always researching. Everybody is trying to make the right choices about food but don’t know where to start.
We receive instructions to eat balanced meals but we don’t get much explanation beyond that. How about how you should eat in conjunction with a regular workout schedule? Because you don’t want how you eat to sabotage your exercise. I found out some good stuff.
In addition to eating right, there are tons of subtle changes to your exercise routine that will make a huge difference in how you look and feel.
There are ways to get started with exercise that make a substantial difference in your life without taking up too much time in your day. That’s important because you’ve got other things you want to do. That’s a huge one for me.
Ideally after you try some of the things I discovered, the next thing you know you’ll be feeling stronger, well rested and effectively managing the stress in your life. Trust me, it feels great.
What Are Some Of The Things I Can Look Forward To In Here?
Let’s say you’re just starting to explore getting into shape and wondering about taking a walk because you heard it’s good for you and if there’s anything in here about that. You’re going to be pleasantly surprised.
Maybe you’ve been exercising for a while and feel like it’s getting boring and you need a new challenge. Well hang on to your hat.
Trying to develop a lean, powerful physique but can’t seem to shake that annoying belly fat? Your answers are in here.
Or perhaps you’re just tired of being exhausted all the time, wrestling with aches and pains and would like to get your focus back and enjoy a really good night’s sleep. I’ve got some great suggestions.
Let’s Do This Together
Anyway, here’s the thing. I am by no means an expert. I’m somebody just like you.
What I’m going to do is introduce you to some amazing people and ideas that I discovered that made a huge difference in my life because I think they can help you too.
As a result of things I found out, I lost weight and got stronger (maybe the best shape I’ve been in for years). The aches and pains went away and I sleep like a log again.
It’s really the result of implementing a variety of good advice from a bunch of different sources. As I mentioned, there isn’t just one thing that worked well for me just because it worked well for somebody else.
So hopefully you’ll find some things in here that you find beneficial and make your day to day more enjoyable. In addition to that, I’m hoping you’ll also be able to share with me some of your ideas that are already making your life better.