Oatmeal For Breakfast Is Amazing

Brian Lazanik Oatmeal for breakfast

One of my favorite meals that I started to eat on a regular basis when I decided to make a better body was oatmeal for breakfast. This is a high caliber fitness food.

It’s delicious and so good for you. You may have already discovered oatmeal and eat it regularly. If so, nicely done. If you are one of those people who have not discovered it yet then wait no longer.

Forget that it looks clumpy and not worth eating. Looks can be deceiving. Try it anytime or before a workout. Have a bowl before you go for a brisk walk or before a more intense jump rope workout. It is delicious and really beneficial.

Oatmeal For Breakfast Is Magical

It’s a great source of fiber. That means a couple of things. First off, you’re going to stay regular. Everybody likes staying regular and it’s a great natural way to do so. You don’t want to have to start taking meds or supplements because you’re low on fiber. Eat your oatmeal and you won’t get stopped up. Keep those pipes running smooth. Definitely a plus with any fitness food.

I also read that it helps keep bad cholesterol levels down. That is great news for everybody, especially if you have issues with cholesterol. So staying regular and a healthy heart, that already sounds like great stuff.

Brian Lazanik oatmeal for breakfast

Oatmeal will also act as a great source of energy. This is because they are made up of complex carbs. This means it is digested slowly. It keeps you feeling satisfied and will not cause you to crash and burn during exercise.

Instead you will remain energized and able to fulfill your workout goals. It also contains some other great stuff like iron, vitamin B1 and Selenium, all of which are great for maintaining a healthy active lifestyle.

Is There Anything Oatmeal Can’t Do As A Fitness Food? Nope.

As an added bonus, oatmeal for breakfast, or any other time for that matter, is also great to eat after exercising because it is a great source of protein. That’s great news for rebuilding and recovery. Oh, and did I mention it’s delicious.

Did you know that oatmeal can also be used to help soothe sunburn, poison ivy and other skin irritations? You didn’t? Well now you do. Apparently some people claim you can put the flakes in an ashtray to help eliminate the smell of smoke from a room. You’ll have to try that one out and let me know if it works.

Brian Lazanik oatmeal for breakfast

When you’re having oatmeal for breakfast throw on some fresh fruit. It adds to the benefits. I love it with blueberries or strawberries. I don’t think there’s any fresh fruit that won’t work well with this fitness food choice.

Finally, I’ve seen discussions about whether its original oatmeal or instant. They share some of the same benefits from what I understand. With the instant, keep an eye out for the sugar content. Look for brands that don’t have added sugar and have ingredients you can read and understand. If you’re uncertain about the differences, check with an M.D., they’ll know.

That’s one of my first choices for a great meal as part of my exercise routine and just living well generally. If you aren’t already enjoying oatmeal, give it a try I think you’ll like it. It can really be delicious and good for you.