How Jumping Rope Can Help You Lose Some Weight And Is One Of The Greatest And Easiest Exercises For Beginners

In an earlier post I discussed the benefits of walking. Something that I didn’t mention is that a short brisk walk is also a great way to warm up for your workout. For this post, I’m going to discuss jumping rope because it is awesome. It is another great exercise that also happens to be a great way to warm up and lose some weight.

Jumping rope is actually one of a number of exercises I do in timed thirty second intervals as part a larger warm-up routine. I will explore each of them at a later date. They include stuff like high knees and push ups. Don’t worry, we’ll get to those.

All the warm-up exercises are great for uh… warming up. That is, they get you’re heart going, limber up your joints and help you get a good sweat started. This kind of warm up is really a good exercise habit to get into.

Together I find them to be a great all over body workout and a great start to the routine. As far as warm ups go, jumping rope is a great place to begin and a good step towards improving your physical fitness.

How to get started jumping rope

jumping rope

As you can probably imagine, all you need to get started jumping rope is you and a rope. Pretty easy I know. Well there are a couple other things you should consider.

Grab a good pair of running shoes. You’re going to be doing the bulk of this exercise on the balls of your feet so make sure you have good support up front.

You can do this barefoot as well. Sometimes I do. If so, make sure you’re on a comfortable surface. Preferably you should be on a mat with some cushion because there will be a lot of bouncing up and down. If you keep catching the rope between your toes you may want to try it with shoes. Also, if you keep tripping up on the rope, it may be too short.

The rope should be a particular length so it moves easily. I’ve read a few things about this and they’re all good tips. The best length I found for me is achieved with a quick test. Hold the rope with two hands as if you’re going to start jumping. Stand on the middle of the rope with one of your feet. If you can pull the two ends up to just around your armpits then that’s a good length.

Technique will get you where you want to be

You may find a better length works well for you because we are all built differently. Do what’s comfortable. Hold the rope firmly and let your wrists do all the work. There should be very little motion up and down with your hands so that you get the most out of the movement.

Try not to bend your knees too high or to kick your feet up in front of you because this can cause you to loose balance and focus. Just take it slow in the beginning. If you can keep the rope going without getting tripped up you’re on the right track.

As I mentioned, I mix the jump rope with other warm up exercises because I’m jumping for short intervals. If it was the only warm up or exercise I was doing, I’d shoot for five to ten minutes. Now that’s just me. If you think you can do more, go for it. You’ll also feel this strengthening your calves.

Just starting out, see if you can go for a couple minutes without stopping.

Then take a break and do it again. Gradually build yourself up to going for longer intervals so you don’t stop challenging yourself. Trust me you’re gonna get a great sweat on and with a little dedication you’ll feel yourself getting stronger.

If you’re finding that it’s coming to you real easy and you want to kick up your game, there’s a couple other things you can do.

Jumping Rope Like A Boss

jumping rope

I know you’re wondering, “Hey, is there any way this could be a little more challenging?”

Glad you asked. Here’s where the sweat starts to pour and you take your fitness to the next level.

If you’re looking for a challenge jumping rope or just trying to keep it more interesting then you want to check out Double Unders. This is exactly what it sounds like. As you jump, you bring the rope around twice. Great for increasing intensity. You’re going to feel it in your calf muscles big time.

Another great way to push yourself while jumping rope is to throw on a weighted vest. It’s available at sporting goods stores. It’s easy to use. A vest is a great addition to any body weight exercise but it will not go well with anything you’re wearing.

To be honest, straight forward jumping rope without getting too fancy will probably do the trick. I recommend keeping it simple. To make things more challenging I just add an interval in my warm up routine or do it for a little longer. You’ll feel it right away.

Jay Deas, trainer/manager of heavyweight champ Deontay Wilder, recommends incorporating jump rope training into your workouts three times a week. Once or twice only if you’re a beginner. Work your way up gradually as you improve technique and build stamina.

All The Benefits of Jumping Rope In A Simple Exercise

The benefits to jumping rope are endless. Well, not endless but there are tons. According to the Jump Rope Institute,the benefits to jumping rope are both physical and emotional. I know you are asking yourself if I actually went out into the world and found a jump rope institute.

The answer to your question is yes. I found a jump rope institute because I knew you’d want me to and now is the time for you stop with all the jealousy. Now is the best time to exercise with jump rope.

Jumping rope exercises your brain, builds your bones and is considered one of the most efficient ways to improve cardiovascular fitness. It increases mental alertness, dynamic balance and muscular endurance. Thank you Jump Rope Institute.

I find Jumping rope to be one of those exercises that really wakes you up and gets you feeling motivated. I think that’s because it’s a full body workout and a big part of why I make it a part of my warm up every time I exercise.

jumping rope

A jump rope is portable and time efficient so it’s something that is accessible to everyone . If you’re on the go, it’s easy to take a rope with you. Not a lot of time to exercise? No problem. Grab the rope and away you go.

It’s a good exercise habit to have a jump rope nearby. Put in as much time as you can because you can do it almost anywhere. By the way, personally I found it a great way to burn off belly fat too.

But remember, when it comes to burning off fat, all the jumping rope in the world won’t help you if you have terrible eating habits.

Make sure you’re eating all the good food and not the junk because eating crap means you’re trashing all the work you’re doing with the jump rope and you’ll have trouble burning fat and definitely won’t lose weight.

For some great workout routine ideas that incorporate jumping rope that you can do in a short period of time at home or wherever you find yourself, check out these related articles:

5 Of The Exercises For A Beginner’s At Home Workout

How To Get A Full Body Workout In Minutes

These routines will definitely get you on track to getting in shape and feeling great.

Hope you enjoy them!

easy exercises for beginners

jumping rope

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