Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels
When it comes to eating high protein foods and cutting out the garbage, if you stick with it, I do believe the body you get is the one you deserve.
Hey, you’ve worked for it.
It’s not easy saying goodbye to late night sweets and salty treats. Although I’ll still give in once in a while. Everything in moderation.
But if you’re serious about wanting to build muscle and weight loss, then eating high protein foods I find is a good way to go.
I definitely saw and felt a change in my body when I turned to high protein foods, especially for snacks, instead of junk food. The best results came from incorporating eating well with regular exercise.
There are so many great benefits from introducing high protein foods into your diet…
The Benefits Of High Protein Foods In Your Diet
You get an improved immune system, stronger bones and lower stress. Imagine how much easier that could make your day?
You wake up in the morning refreshed after a good night sleep because you’re eating well. Another great benefit.
You make some delicious high protein choices for breakfast and feel energized to take on your day. There’s nothing your job can throw at you that you can’t handle.
That relationship with somebody special seems more within reach because you are feeling strong and confident.
That’s right. High protein foods give you that added boost because they are also a mood enhancer. How great is that?
I know. It may take more than healthy snacking to get up the courage to make that first move but you know where I’m going.
And of course, my favorite benefits of high protein foods are how they aid in weight loss and building muscle.
When it comes to weight loss, what you are shooting for are foods that have low energy density. Simply put, they’re foods that are more food and less calories.
What Happens When You Eat Like This?
Eating low energy density foods mean you’ll feel full longer and have less cravings.
You’ll be less inclined to reach for those junk food snacks that cause your blood sugar to spike and you to subsequently crash and feel cranky. Who wants that? You’re not a grouch.
You’ll find those same low energy density foods that are great for weight loss are the same you’ll be eating for building muscle. All delicious and good for you.
Before you know it, you’ll have the energy to walk that extra mile outside, hit your personal best for push ups or join your family for a swim in the lake.
If you’re the kind of person who enjoys lakes.
There are lots of great choices when it comes to high protein foods that you can incorporate into your diet and exercise regimen.
These are my top 5 in no particular order.

1. Chicken Breast
I prefer it skinless if I can get it. That’s just me. If you like the skin, go for it. I know people who eat the entire chicken. I mean the whole thing. That’s them.
This is a great source of protein and amazing for incorporating into your workout routine. That means it’s great for building muscle.
It is also loaded with B vitamins like niacin and B6, great for your body during workouts and getting the results you want.
It’s also been shown that high protein diets containing chicken can help with fat loss.
Not to mention there are so many ways to prepare chicken breast nowadays, you are sure to find at least a few ways to make it delicious.
One of my favorite ways to eat it is in a whole wheat enchilada with mango salsa and goat cheese. It’s amazing. Don’t be jealous.

2. Fish
For me this means primarily salmon and tuna. Those are my go-to’s for fish. I wasn’t always a big fish person but the benefits of salmon alone are astounding.
There are many other good kinds of fish in the sea ( see what I did there?) But these two work for me.
They are loaded with protein and do many of the great things you want your protein sources to do for your body.
Both salmon and tuna are loaded with benefits, the big one being rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. It is also believed that they play an important role in muscle development through exercise.
This is another great high protein food source that can be dressed up for all kinds of tasty dishes.
I enjoy it in salads or grilled with a good basting something or other. Just make it tasty. The goal is to get rid of the fishy taste and fool yourself into believing it’s something else.

3. Greek Yogurt (High Protein Foods Favorite)
I’ve discussed yogurt before and I might discuss it again. It’s amazing. It’s great as a dessert or a snack on it’s own.
What’s particularly amazing about Greek yogurt is that it usually contains twice the amount of protein as regular yogurt.
I enjoy the plain version and try to stay away from any kinds that have added sugar. That kind of defeats the purpose.
It’s a great protein boost after a workout or as part of your breakfast in the morning. Even more tasty when you add some fresh fruit or granola.
If you’re not enjoying this one yet, get on it. You’ll thank me later. If your body has an aversion to dairy blame your parents. But don’t worry, there’s lots of options on this list and elsewhere.

4. Almonds / Almond Butter
Almonds are loaded with great stuff. Along with being a great source of plant based protein, almonds also have fiber, zinc, magnesium as well as vitamins E and B.
Almonds also work to maintain good cholesterol while preventing bad cholesterol.
You know what that means. A healthy cardiovascular system. That means good heart health and the kind of inner workings that will help make you a lean, mean fitness machine.
Almond butter is easily one of my favorite snacks and a regular source of energy for me before a workout.
It is also even more delicious when I add sliced apples into the mix. Go for it. You’ll enjoy it. Just don’t go overboard. The almonds have a high calorie count. Of course, you’re getting more active now, so you’ll probably burn those off without a problem.

5. Eggs
Remember to open the windows in your home when you are cooking with eggs. I don’t think enough people mention this point. It’s critical.
Besides its aromatic consequences, eggs are an awesome powerhouse as a high protein food.
They are loaded with nutrients and tons of B vitamins and amino acids that are great if you’re looking to maintain energy for workouts and build muscle.
There are probably a million different ways to prepare eggs as you well know, and there is probably at least one you can tolerate.
I’ve always enjoyed them as an omelette and usually just with egg whites. That’s just me. I like to cut back on the cholesterol.
I realize there is debate about the yolk constantly ongoing but I’m not going to get dragged into it. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist and see what they say. There seems to be good points on both sides.
A Conclusion Powered By High Protein Foods (I Just Had Some Almond Butter and Banana. So Good.)
So those are my top picks for great high protein foods to work into your diet. Of course, you want to keep it balanced with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.
There are a few other foods I enjoy as honorable mentions. Like cottage cheese, beans and turkey. They all have their benefits.
More importantly, by incorporating these foods into your diet you should see the kind of changes in your body that will make your neighbors stop and stare.
Hopefully it won’t make for too many strange moments.
P.S. If you want a little extra help in maintaining a full feeling during the day and keeping the weight off, remember to drink water regularly throughout the day. It really is magical stuff.