With the winter months coming to an end, springtime is just around the corner. That means people are going to be anxious to get out into the sun. It also means that people are going to be looking for those classic ways to treat a sunburn.
Winter Can Really Suck
Growing up Canadian, I know firsthand how awesome it is when those brutally cold winter days start to go away. Sure hockey and skiing are amazing. Winter sports are great. But eventually it’s nice to go outside without twelve layers of clothing.

I also hate driving in the winter. The roads themselves are manageable. The other people on the road are not. If you live in a city that gets lots of snow and ice in the winter, you know what I mean.
There’s no logical explanation for why some people never learn to drive safely in the winter. It leads to headaches, frustration and yelling by yourself in your car. Often followed up by sitting in traffic for hours listening to some jerk on the radio saying “Avoid driving today if you don’t have to.”
Springtime In Canada Is Like Early Parole
As a kid, when the sun started coming out near the end of winter I’d always run outside without my jacket. I’d just imagine it was much warmer that it was. I didn’t care. We’d play soccer or baseball outside. I’d be jumping around like a maniac. My mother yelling out the window to come back and put on a jacket.
I wasn’t the only one. As we know, kids can’t wait to get outside as the weather gets a little warmer. We always started shedding our winter clothes a littler earlier than we should have.

Now that I’m older, I noticed that some adults can’t wait to get rid of their winter clothes early as well. You know who I’m talking about. There’s still ice and snow on the ground but they’re walking around in T-shirts or jogging in shorts because the sun made a brief appearance at the beginning of March.
I get it. Us folks in Canada don’t get a very long spring and summer so we like to get those seasons started as soon as possible. Trust me, you don’t want to watch an entire country come down with cabin fever. There’s only so much you can do with maple syrup and beer before it just gets ugly.
Prevention Is Good Medicine. Maybe You Won’t Have To Treat A Sunburn…
There aren’t many things better after a long frigid winter than being able to get out in the sun. It always makes me feel alive again. I’m also one of those nutbars that forgets if you stay out in the sun too long without protection you can get burned.

I’ve learned my lesson over the years. If it’s really sunny out I’ll wear a hat with a large brim. I’ll cover myself with sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 or more.
Here’s a couple tricks I learned that have worked really well.
There are zinc and lip balm sticks that I will also apply to my nose and under my eyes. That’s where I get zapped. I’ll reapply the sunscreen every few hours if I’m staying outside.
But the big trick that makes a huge difference is applying at least fifteen minutes before I go outside.
I never used to do the fifteen minute before thing but once I did, I started to see a huge difference. The stuff really does take a little time to get absorbed into your skin. Science… who knew.
How To Treat A Sunburn… Again
Now let’s say you tried to take all the necessary precautions but you still get burned. The classic spots for me are the back of my legs and neck. The American Academy of Dermatology has some good suggestions for treating your burn.
They suggest a cool bath or shower to first help soothe the pain.
Another little trick I learned if you happen to be a bath person is to try an oatmeal bath. It’s supposed to be good for your skin. It’s also kind of delicious. But eat it out of a bowl, not the tub.

The Academy also suggests using a moisturizer that contains aloe vera or soy to help soothe your skin and treat a sunburn. They also suggest trying a hydrocortisone cream that you can get without a prescription.
I’ve always found the aloe vera lotions to be helpful as well as some after sun cremes.
Finally, aspirin, drinking lots of water and staying out of the sun while you’re healing are all really good suggestions. If you have any other suggestions I’d love to hear them. I find people are always looking for good ways to treat a sunburn and preventive ideas.
Mostly now I just try to not get burned and look for shade if I’m spending a lot of time outside. Yes, I know sounds like an old guy. After you’ve been zapped a couple times, better safe than sorry. I’d also rather spend those few days of summer we get in Canada outside in the fresh air before having to return to our long hibernation.