As part of my continuing series, here is some easy exercise for beginners at home looking to get in shape.
And I do mean beginners. I’ve been told by a number of folks looking to get back into some kind of regular workout routine, that’s it’s hard to find stuff for REAL beginners.
Fair enough.
Sometimes it can be hard just getting motivated to get up and start exercising, let alone finding something you can start doing and stick to.
But I found out the real secret is you can completely change the direction your health is going by getting off your butt and moving for a few minutes a day.
So I thought about it.
As an answer, I’ve pulled together several of my favorite beginner exercises that helped me get started.
Many of them I still do today but with slightly different variations to provide a little more of a challenge.
However, taking them apart and working at them slowly, will get you on track to getting stronger and healthier and hopefully excited about getting into shape.
Now I’m not going to try and kid you. It probably won’t be that exciting out of the gate.
If you’re a true beginner or haven’t exercised in many years, it will still feel like work in the beginning.
But if you stick with it, you’ll see it will gradually get a lot easier.
Before you know it, you’ll be looking for more challenging exercises and putting together routines for yourself to take you to the next level.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
We’re going to start out with some easy exercise for beginners at home.
Now I’m saying these can be done “at home” but in reality, you can do them anywhere.
When I was starting out, I just found it easier to begin at home because I was too lazy to go anywhere else.
So if you have motivation issues like I did, these exercises will be great for you.
And the more you do it, the more you’ll see the results and the more you’ll enjoy it. (Hopefully!)
So if you’re ready, enough jabbering. Let’s get STARTED!
This first exercise is great for getting the blood pumping and warming up lots of muscles.
With any exercise or routine, you should get into the habit of some kind of warm up.
This way your muscles are good and ready for the workout you’re going to give them. You don’t want to be exercising with cold tight joints and muscles.
If you’re looking for an exercise for beginners at home, allow me to introduce you to…
High Knees
This one is perfect if you are a super beginner because it’s got a little of everything.
It’s great for cardio, strengthening and toning your muscles and helps you improve balance and coordination to boot.
The best part… it’s real easy.
Here’s how you do it.
Start by standing straight up with your arms relaxed at your sides and your feet about shoulder width apart.
Now slowly bend your arms upwards, keeping your elbows at your sides and your palms facing down.
Stop your arms when they are parallel with the floor.
Now your going to start marching in place.
But, you’re going to bring your knees up high enough so that they touch your hands.
That’s where the high knees name comes from.
You’re marching on the spot but you’re bringing those knees up high.
Related Article: One Of The Greatest Exercises To Get In Shape For Beginners
Now, since you’re just starting out, take your time.
Try and get your knee all the way up so that your thigh is parallel with the floor.
Resist the urge to drop your hand down to meet your knee. Make your legs do the work. First one, then the other.
If it feels really easy at first, try picking up the pace a little bit. Make sure you get a good stretch with each leg.
You’ll be feeling it up and down your legs and your glutes.
You should probably be breathing a little heavy or you’re not working hard enough. (Hey, you might be in better shape than you thought!)
In any event, maintain a steady pace and try and do 10 repetitions with each leg.
I found a fantastic demonstration of the high knees with a breakdown from Jenny Schatzle. Check it out!
She’s amazing. And what great energy!
As you probably noticed, she demonstrates two variations of the movement that are slightly more advanced than what I describe above.
If you’re just starting out, stick with what I gave you and work up to the variations above. The video is great for highlighting form and technique.
But hey, if you think you’re comfortable enough with one of those modifications, then go for it. You may be in better shape than you thought!
How you feeling? Want to try another?
OK. Here’s another great exercise for beginners at home.
In the spirit of keeping your whole body in on the action, let’s try…
The Bear Crawl
This one is amazing for building both upper and lower body strength.
And guess what? It’s easy.
Now if you need to catch your breath by all means, take a few minutes to recover.
No point in overdoing anything when we’re just getting started.
Just don’t sit down and start watching a movie or you’ll never get going again.
This move is great for building strength and coordination and you don’t need much space to do it.
Start by getting down on your hands and knees.
If your floor is uncomfortable on your knees, try to find some carpet or a mat that you will use to get started.
But don’t worry, you won’t be on your knees for long.
From that position, lift your knees up off the ground so that only your hands and feet are touching the floor.
You may feel a little goofy, but it will be worth it.
Now with your right arm and left leg moving together, take one step forward. Then repeat with your other arm and leg.
Try and take five steps forward with each side.
Related Article: How To Try Mountain Climbing In Your Living Room (Sort Of)
Now, if it’s too hard to take the five steps, just do as many as you can.
There are a few variations of the bear crawl exercise but for beginners, I think this is a great way to start.
It may take some time to build up a little upper body strength and balance but if you stick with it, this move will come to you before you know it.
On the other hand, if the five steps were easy for you, try taking five steps backwards with each side to where you started.
And if you’re still feeling like you’ve got lots of energy, try doing another set back and forth.
I found a great demo from Alexia Clark doing a great job of breaking down this exercise. Check it out.
Pretty great right?
I can assure you, that’s one of the best breakdowns of the bear crawl that you’ll find.
It really focuses on the importance of technique and what your should be thinking about throughout the movement.
Now if you’re just getting started with exercising, you should be feeling at least a little tired after the high knees and bear crawl.
But if you still have a little left in the tank, here’s one more you can try for today.
Another easy exercise for beginners at home and one of my faves…
The Flutter Kick
After jumping around and crawling across the floor I’m guessing you’re going to enjoy how this one starts off.
Lie down flat on your back. (See. This one is already pretty easy.)
Now I need you to resist the urge to close your eyes and go to sleep. So try not to get too comfortable.
Keep your arms by your sides with your palms down and your legs flat on the ground and together.
Take a deep breath. Ready?
OK. Now keeping your legs straight, raise them together about 6 inches off the ground. Don’t let them drop down.
Try and keep your shoulder blades pressed to the ground as well. The only part of your body that’s going to move is your legs.
Keeping your feet up and off the ground, start kicking in small flutter motions one foot and then the other.
So when one foot goes up the other comes back down to the starting position.
If you’re doing this one right, you’ll really feel it in your lower abdominals in your stomach. I mean, you’ll really feel it.
Related Article: A Powerful Core Exercise For Beginners At Home
Especially if you haven’t worked out ever or in a long time.
This movement is great for building core strength and endurance.
Now you’re going to be tempted to do this move quickly while you’re working to keep your feet off the ground. And that’s OK!
But try to do the movement slowly if you can. Remember, don’t let your feet touch the ground.
Try and do 5-10 kicks with each foot before you stop. If you can’t, just do as many as you can.
Your abs are going to be feeling this one. But trust me, stick with it and it will be worth it.
This will be one of those exercises that you come back to regularly to strengthen and develop your core.
Oh and remember, keep breathing while you’re kicking. Don’t hold your breath!
I always used to hold my breath without realizing it when I started doing ab exercises. Not a good look! Definitely not good for you.
Here’s a great breakdown of how to do the flutter kick properly from Mindi Smith over at Howcast.com.
That is perfect! With the bonus scissor variation thrown in for good measure!
Can’t emphasize pressing your back down into the right position enough. Again, technique is so important.
I think she suggests doing 15-20 reps starting out with multiple sets, but if you’re just starting out, try 5-10 and see how it feels.
If it’s easy, up the reps and take it to the next gear!
So how do you feel?
Well, if you just completed all of those exercises, you are definitely on your way to getting into shape.
Let’s take a look at what you did…
- High Knees – 5 to 10 repetitions each leg
- Bear Crawl – 5 steps forward each side
- Flutter Kick – 5 to 10 repetitions with each leg
Guess what? You just completed a pretty decent beginner workout. Way to go!
But hey, if you feel like you’re just getting started, try doing each exercise again for another couple of sets. That should do the trick.
I’m going to keep introducing more exercise for beginners at home with more posts full of easy movements, so you can continue along your journey to getting in shape.
If you’re a beginner and looking for a little bit more of a challenge check out this full body at home workout and let me know how you did.
Wherever you are with your fitness journey, stick with it and I’ll see you again soon!