If you’re looking for great workouts to strengthen your core, this plank exercise routine will get you on your way.
This is great exercise for beginners and provides enough of a challenge so that more advanced fitness buffs can also reap the benefits.
One of things I discovered with the plank relatively quickly was that it gets boring.
Out of all the exercises I do, I found the plank is easily one of the most boring. Some days it’s hard enough to get motivated to workout, I sure don’t want it to be boring.
In fact, if I suspect the workout is going to be boring, that’ll discourage me more than anything from doing it.
So, I went on the lookout to see if I could find enough variations of the plank exercise to put together a routine that would be both interesting and challenging.
Well, at least as interesting as planking can be.
If you find doing the standard plank a little too slow, hopefully you’ll find this variation routine a little more your speed.
Now I know you usually start your plank exercise by lying down on the floor and holding in whatever variation you prefer. Well, we’re going to try something a little different.

Are your ready?
OK. Here we go. Let’s begin our plank workout challenge.
Just as an aside. If you’ve never heard of the plank before and have no idea what you’re in for. Check out my introduction to the plank. It will get you up to speed on how to do a plank so you can fit it into your future workout plans.
OK. Let’s begin.
The Plank Exercise Meets The Squat And Walk

Start by standing straight up. Make sure you’ve given yourself lots of space to spread out for the plank.
From the standing position, you’re going to squat straight down until you can put both of your hands, palms down on the floor in front of you. As you put your hands down, try to not let your knees touch the floor.
Now walk forward on your hands until your body is fully stretched out and you are in the full plank position. You should be up on your toes and your palms, with your arms fully extended. Just like you’re about to start doing push ups.
At this point, hold the plank position for 30 seconds. Keep a nice straight line down your back, the length of your legs to your feet. Don’t let your hips sag.
Once you complete the 30 seconds, walk your hands back, keeping your feet in place until you return to the squat position. Now stand back up.
Not bad. Now give yourself a 30 second break.
Your Plank Exercise With A Lift And Reach
With the next variation you start the same way. Squat down and walk your hands forward until you are in the full plank position.
This time, hold the plank position but lower yourself down onto your forearms. Keep your core tight.
Now raise your right arm and point it straight out in front of you. While you do that, at the same time, raise your left leg off the ground while keeping it straight.
This will work your core significantly more than the standard plank as it works on stabilizing your body and helps maintain your balance. You should really feel this in your abs.
Hold the position for a moment and then switch to your left arm and right leg. Try switching back and forth ten times. Don’t let your hips sag or your knees touch the ground.
Once you’ve completed that set, walk your hands back to the squat and stand up again. Take a 30 second break.
Way to go! You’re probably feeling it now.
What Happens When Your Plank Exercise Almost Meets A Mountain Climber

For the next section, squat down and walk out into the full plank position with your arms fully extended.
Now bend your left knee up and forward towards your left arm hold for a moment, then return it to starting position and do the same thing with your right knee.
When you pull forward with your knee, flex and pull upwards with your abs. You should really feel that.
Try ten repetitions on each side. After you complete the round, walk back on your hands to the squat and stand up.
Outstanding! You deserve another 30 second break.
How Do You Turn A Plank Upside Down
Here’s the last section. Your core should really be feeling it at this point so we’re going to flip it to the other side.
Lie down on your back with your arms out to your sides, palms up. With your legs together, lift you waist up off the ground, pressing through your shoulder blades and your heels.
Welcome to the reverse plank. Keep your glutes and your core tight. Try and hold it for 30 seconds.
Congrats! You just completed one full circuit of the plank routine. Try and complete the entire circuit another 2 or 3 times.
I find this to be a much better workout than simply doing the plank and holding for however long you do it.
These variations put together cause significantly more stabilizing work for your core.
Depending upon how difficult you find it, you can vary the number of sets, the repetitions or how long you do each part. It’s entirely up to you.
Just keep moving through it and do as much as you can. I think you’ll find this to be one of the more challenging plank workout routines you’ve discovered so far.
Mix this routine into your workout about three times a week. Try and keep it up for a month. If you can keep it going that long you’ve met the challenge.
It’s up to you where it goes from there.

The Wrap Up
It’s a great series of moves to integrate into your abs workout. I’ve also found it works well with a light cardio day.
If you’re looking for an even bigger challenge, try adding a section where you focus on a side plank. That will give your obliques a little more of a workout.
The great thing about this particular plank challenge is that you can add or subtract from it as you see fit. Adjust it to fit your level of difficulty.
Most importantly, I hope you won’t find the plank workout to be so boring anymore. Hopefully you’ll see it as a great bodyweight exercise that you’ll look forward to doing again and again.
(OK. I know that’s a little over the top.)
Stick with it, and before you know it, you’ll start developing a powerful core.
Remember, if you want to actually start seeing those abs, in addition to strengthening your core, you’ll have to pay particular attention to how you eat.
Your diet will make all the difference in burning off that belly fat so you can start seeing those ripped abs. If you want some guidance, check out my post on how to get started on eating well, exercise and getting rid of unwanted belly fat.
Combine these core exercises with eating well and you’re on your way to getting into great shape.