What am I talking about?
Remember in earlier posts I discussed that I have a warm up block. The block consists of several exercises that I will do in thirty second increments until I complete about ten of them. One of my go to warm ups is the high knee exercise.

Do the words “warm up” need a dash between them? I don’t care. I’m not doing it.
The high knee exercise is an easy movement to integrate into your workout. If you like working out with other people just don’t try it while facing each other. I can admit I almost learned this the hard way. Guys can be dumb.
Additionally, the high knee is strictly an exercise. It does not, as my genius cousin once asked, involve the use of a newly legalized plant or any other substance for that matter. The name refers strictly to the movement.
A little bit more please…
This exercise will bring into play similar muscle groups that you would use while jumping rope or going on a brisk walk. As I noted, it’s great as part of a warm up or as an exercise on its own.
I found a great clip at TrainingHardcore.com that demonstrates good form for the high knee exercise. Notice how it strengthens your calves?
If you were to rely on the high knee exercise by itself, I think you’d get bored pretty quickly. I’m going to suggest a couple variations so you can keep mixing it up. I think you’ll find mixing up your routine a great exercise habit.

That said, I would still look to include it as part of other exercises that involve the same muscle groups on the day you include the high knee exercise. Does that make sense? Hope so. If not, we’ll get there.
Alternatively, it is also a great exercise to work into a day when you’re doing an upper body muscle group. For me, that would be the best time to exercise the high knee. That way you get a full body workout and I guarantee a good cardio session as well.
The Secret To The High Knee Exercise
Have you ever been outside and seen somebody jogging along? Then at some point they get to an intersection and they can’t cross because they have a red light.
Sometimes they just stop and use the light as a chance to take a breather. But a lot of times they don’t stop moving. Instead, they just sort of jog on the spot.
I always thought that looked kind of silly. Also, if that’s exercising, you can do it at home and don’t have to worry about going outside for a run. That would be great for those die-hards who run in any kind of weather.
Well as it turns out, that jogging on the spot is very close to the high knee exercise with some very minor adjustments. If you can jog on the spot you can do the high knee. You’re thinking “Is that really true?” Yes it is. And yes I occasionally read minds.
Here’s how you do the standard high knee exercise. Stand up straight with your feet approximately shoulder width apart. Allow your arms to hang by your side. Lift your right knee up high towards your chest while bringing your left arm up naturally as you would if you were running. Then simply alternate legs as if you were running on the spot. The object is to get your knees up high. Pretty easy.

The High Knee Exercise But Way More Exciting
There are a couple alternatives that will exercise your brain as well. Instead of alternating one knee up immediately after the other, try waiting until one foot comes back to the ground before you lift the other one up. This may feel more like hopping on the spot as you get more used to it.
Another great variation will up the cardio workout for you. Instead of jogging on the spot with high knees, keep the alternating rhythm going but when you lift one knee up, skip forward with the foot on the ground.
You’ll need a little more space for the high knee skip but once you start zipping around with this variation, you’ll probably enjoy it more than the standard movement. Or maybe you won’t. I’m not telling you how you should feel. By all means, be your own person.
Of course if you are restricted with how much space you have, the jogging on the spot high knee exercise will do the trick.
It Does The Body Real Good
This is a great movement for your legs and your glutes. It also helps with coordination and balance. Vary the speed and you can have an intense cardio workout as well. Great for burning belly fat. As I mentioned, you can mix it in with an upper body exercise, as I like to do, and you have a killer full body physical fitness routine.
There you have it. The high knee exercise. A simple movement that packs a great punch. I know. If you’re just into walking you won’t like this one. Well, if you ever want to push yourself just a bit more, give this one a try. Mix it in with your walking. It’s like the beginning of an exercise salad… or not.