Photo by Mat Brown from Pexels
I would imagine the answer to this question is different for everyone. The best time to exercise has a lot to do with a variety of things.
Think The Morning Is The Best Time to Exercise? You’re Not Alone
If you prefer getting a jump start on your day, you probably enjoy waking up early in the morning for your workout. I’ve heard that some people feel more energized this way.
All over a variety of social media sites, there are promos of Mark Wahlberg training for a new movie. Apparently, he goes to sleep at 7 pm and wakes up at 3 am every day to exercise. He also doesn’t take a day off. That is some serious early morning physical fitness dedication.
Perhaps you need the morning to prepare for your day and have a loaded schedule for work. You probably prefer to exercise in the evenings as a matter of convenience. If it’s the only time you have, you do what you can.
As for me, I can never exercise early in the morning. I enjoy my sleep too much. It’s way to difficult to wake up earlier just to exercise. I can’t stand getting up and the sun hasn’t risen outside. So for me, the early to rise workout schedule just won’t work.
The end of the day workout is plausible but I prefer to not do it then either. After a full work day, I usually don’t have the energy or motivation to get myself moving.

Maybe Soon No Time Will Be The Best Time
It would be great if I could always talk myself into a workout at the end of the day but I’d rather just grab some dinner and relax. It’s so much easier than grabbing a jump rope or a pull up bar. Some days I can pull off the evening workout but those days really aren’t that common.
Ideally, I’d like to not workout. That would be great. To just wake up and during the course of the day I would get healthier doing whatever I want. Some kind of revolutionary physical fitness regimen.
Even better if we could get fit in our sleep. I’m definitely waiting for the day when we dream about getting toned and stronger and wake up invigorated and healthier than when we went to bed.
Unfortunately, I realize we are not there yet. I can wait.
In the meantime, if I have a choice on a given day I will exercise in the afternoon. I usually prefer sometime between 1 and 3 pm.
The Best Time To Exercise Is The Afternoon… If I Have To
This time for me is best because I will usually have a snack about an hour before. That’s so I will have an added boost of energy and won’t burn myself out.
Also, I find at that time of day I’m awake and in the mood to exercise so it takes the least amount of motivation. Any later in the day and I will start feeling fatigued and less inclined to do anything.
Additionally, if I can get a workout in around that time, it helps me close out a work day alert and energized. This is especially beneficial if I have to work a long day. I’ve managed to turn the afternoon workout into a good exercise habit most days.
Now if it happens that the day just gets piled up at work and I can’t get away, I will force myself into an evening workout. As I mentioned above, this is definitely a less preferred option. It’s difficult and there are times I just won’t do it.

That’s why on days I plan to exercise I always try to get it done in the afternoon. I know myself and what is likely to happen if the day drags on without an exercise break.
Some Unexpected Guidance
A number of years ago, a friend mentioned to me that a good time to workout was usually in the afternoon around 1 or 2 pm. He explained that was approximately 6 hours after most people wake up in the morning. This is assuming you wake up between 7 and 8.
The presumption is that at that time of the day you are most alert and the body is capable of near peak physical output. It had something to do with timing your sleep patterns with daily exercise.
It kind of stayed with me and sounded reasonable at the time. You can look it up and see if you find anything new on the subject. I’d be curious to hear about it. I’m not saying this guy was a reliable source of information. I remember numerous days he didn’t tie his shoes.
For now, that early afternoon time just works best for me.
Anytime Can Be A Good Time To Exercise
As it turns out, whatever time of day you get your workout done can become your best time of day. Studies show that by exercising regularly at a particular time of day you condition your body to perform its best at that time.
I imagine that’s good news for anybody who always has a really tight schedule. Also great if you’re like me and only feel like exercising at a particular time of the day.
If one of the benefits you are seeking from regular exercise is a good night’s sleep and you are morning person, there’s some good news. Apparently, working out at 7 in the morning instead of early afternoon or in the evening, helps promote sound sleep.

Fortunately, I usually sleep well. Good news for me because that early morning wake up and exercise would be tough. However, if you don’t mind the early wake up, that seems pretty good. You get my full respect if you can get your body to be fully functional that early in the morning.
Morning exercise also seems to be beneficial if you are looking to curb your appetite. If you can get in about 40 minutes of moderate exercise at that time, like a brisk walk, you are less likely to want to eat after your workout and can burn body fat exercising on an empty stomach.
The Best Time Is Really Just When You Get To It
Obviously, the best time to exercise has a lot to do with your individual goals and your schedule. Whenever that happens to be, make sure you are warmed up so your muscles and joints aren’t stiff. I find this makes every workout easier and I’m less likely to injure myself.
Also, whatever time of day works best for you, try to stay consistent. That way you give yourself the best shot at hitting your physical fitness goal. For me, it also helps with sticking to the workout and reduces the likelihood of hating to face those push ups or repeated high knee exercises. I’ve even created a couple of my own variations of exercises like the Brian Lazanik plank, just to keep things more interesting. Basically, by staying consistent it helps with my motivation. Hopefully, it will do the same for you.