So you’re thinking about starting your journey towards physical fitness. Perhaps you’ve been exercising for a while. Maybe you’re one of those people who wants to get rid of belly fat. Perhaps you just want to improve your general all around strength and health. Maybe you’re looking to develop some good exercise habits.
Well welcome to mountainside fitness. That’s too many wells. The kind you can do from your den. More accurately, I welcome you try mountain climbers for your core. Seriously? With the wells? It’s like I hit my head.
This is another one of those exercises that is also great as a warm-up. In earlier posts I mentioned jumping rope and the benefits of walking.
Mountain climbers is up there as one of the best movements for a full body workout. Your introduction to mountainside fitness from the comfort of your home.
Now you might be thinking, “Hey. I don’t live in a mountainous region.” You may be concerned that you don’t own all the right gear. How are you supposed to try this exercise? Good news. It’s not that kind of mountain climbing.

Although, if you do happen to live in a part of the world that makes it easy for you to go mountain climbing whenever you like, go for it. That must be an amazing experience. I imagine it’s also pretty good for you. Take some pictures. Would love to see that.
Wait. What Are You Talking About?
The mountain climbers I’m talking about are easy to do. This is do-it-yourself mountainside fitness. They can also be done just about anywhere. That’s good news for me because as I’ve mentioned, I can be lazy.
This is another movement that I include in my warm-up. It’s a full body exercise. But if I had to guess, I’d say you’re doing mountain climbers for your core. Much like when you’re completing the plank. Also happens to strengthen your calves. Think of it as an added bonus.
This movement really gets your heart going, helps to stabilize all your core muscles, burns fat… it does it all. You can choose to incorporate it with another great exercise like jumping jacks or kettle bell lifts. Go back and forth between the two, performing the movements for thirty seconds each. That’s a great workout all by itself.
If I’m Getting Into Homegrown Mountainside Fitness, What Exactly Are Mountain Climbers?
So if you’ve never heard of mountain climbers before you are probably wondering what I’m talking about. You’d probably like me to stop yammering on and just tell you how this exercise can help you get to a lean midsection. Fair enough. Here’s how you do mountain climbers for your core.
Find a comfortable spot on the floor. Lie down on your belly. Place your hands palms down next to your shoulders. Stretch your legs out straight back and together. Push your body up off the floor.
At this point you should be in a fully extended push up position. Your arms extended out under you, your hands slightly more than shoulder width apart. Your legs straight out and together, up on your toes. Only your palms and toes should be touching the floor.

This is the starting position for the mountain climbers. Now bring your left knee up towards your chest. Next, you’re going to return your left leg to the starting position but as you do that pull your right knee up towards your chest. Basically, you’re repeating the movement while alternating legs. This way, your legs are never both at the staring position together at the same time.
An Image To Keep In Mind To Make It Easier
I like to think of it as jogging in the spot while in a prone position. I’ve seen some variations in the technique described for this mountainside fitness movement. I think one of the better suggestions is to have strong simultaneous exchanges between your legs. As one knee comes up, the other leg shoots back, all at the same time. It’s probably a good exercise habit for this maneuver.
If you’re just starting out with this exercise, get used to the movement first. Do it at your own pace. Worry about perfect form as you get better at it. Focus on keeping it going and your stomach muscles engaged. You’re going to feel this one.

Sounds Great. What If I Like Mountainside Fitness Moves But I’m Not Quite Ready Yet?
Now if you want to do mountain climbers for your core but you don’t think you have the upper body strength yet to hold the position, I found a great alternative that works the same muscle group but still gives you the benefits of mountainside fitness in your home.
Prevention online has a great selection of alternatives for exercises that you can’t do yet or just don’t enjoy.
Lie down on the floor flat on your back. Extend your legs straight out and together. Your arms should be flat out by your sides with your palms down. Now pull your knees up while keeping your legs together until the soles of your feet are flat on the floor.
From here, lift your feet together about half a foot off the floor. You should be contracting the muscles around your belly button. This is your starting position.
Now alternate pulling your knees one at a time, up towards your chest. As you return your legs to the starting position don’t let your feet touch the ground. Keep engaging your stomach muscles and don’t let your lower back flatten out. They call this the toe dip.
This is a great alternative for your core muscles but I don’t think it’s as much of a cardiovascular workout as the mountain climbers. Not to worry. As your upper body gets stronger, you’ll be able to do the mountain climbers no problem. Then, anytime will be the best time to exercise. Also, if you get bored with the mountain climbers you’ve got a great alternative to mix it up.
What’s the future look like for mountain climbers?
If you don’t know any already, I’ll be sharing some upper body strengthening ideas in future posts. They’ll be coming real soon. I’m pretty sure the mountain climber will be something you’ll be adding to your workout as you continue your journey towards physical fitness.
As for those of you who are actually climbing mountains that is awesome. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to go mountain climbing too. Maybe I’ll get a picture of somebody doing the mountain climber exercise while they are mountain climbing…
Probably not. That’s ridiculous.