What You Need to Know to Sleep Like A Log Right Now
There isn’t much in this life more tremendous than being able to sleep like a log. I don’t mean sleep like a baby. We all know babies don’t sleep. I mean like a log. A log that isn’t used for logging. Just a sleeping log.
I get that you might have a great person in your life that you love. Perhaps you’re fortunate enough to have the dream job. Maybe you’re the most regular person ever and never suffer from bloat. All good stuff.
However, none of it means anything if you can’t enjoy a good night’s sleep. I mean stunning, earth shattering, out cold to the world of jackhammering sleep.
A goal of mine early in life was to find out how to sleep like a log every night.
I was into competitive sports when I was younger and always told the key to playing your best was a good night’s sleep.
It’s hard to dispute the results. On nights I slept well, I played well. On nights that sleep was difficult, everything during the following day was hard. Even the simplest of tasks felt like drowning on land.
If you’re struggling with constantly waking up during the night or haven’t been able to sleep well for years, check with a doctor. There’s a chance you could have something that could be remedied with treatment.
However, if you just plain can’t get that shut eye you’re daydreaming about, check this out.
Narrowing Down The Sleep Anthologies
Not sleeping well can be caused by many different things. If you’ve done any research into trying to figure out something that will help you, you know there’s tons of information out there. I mean staggering amounts of information.
Out of everything out there that is suggested to help you start sleeping like a log, I’ve found a few key factors that knock me out with surprising consistency.
This is something that definitely hits everyone differently. If you’re ever told that the remedy for sleepless nights is a one size fits all formula, then keep looking. There’s lots of great ideas out there.
I’ve tried lots of different things to capture that perfect night’s sleep. Reason being is that as a kid in my teens I enjoyed extraordinary out-of-this-world sleep.
So, I’ve always been on the look out for tips to experience that kind of sleep again. Sometimes I get to sleep like a log. The times I do are usually because I implemented these ideas I’m going to share with you.
If you’ve been struggling to get a good night sleep, I hope you implement these simple ideas and experience awe inspiring results.
Sleep Like A Log And Rise Strong But Always At The Same Time

This is the most annoying and yet most valuable tip I ever received about getting a good sleep.
If you’re the kind of person who likes partying it up on the weekends or staying out late after work on occasion, this one is a tragedy.
I always enjoyed the late weekends. Sometimes, they could go on for days. Technically I know that is a weekend. Something that goes on for days.
But I was the kid who could stay up for all of it. Then I’d come home and sleep off the rest of Sunday, recover during Monday and then hopefully, be back on track by Tuesday.
Apparently, this is a crazy idea if you’re interested in achieving good sleep on a regular basis.
What you should do instead is go to sleep at the same time every night. Then, wake up at the same time every morning. That’s it. Sounds simple doesn’t it?
I know your days and nights won’t always allow you to make this happen but try your best.
As it turns out (here comes the mind blowing research), your body is hard wired for sleep and wake patterns. By going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day, you develop a reliable long term sleep rhythm.
This one for me has been the top undisputed heavyweight champ of sleep tips. When I stick to a schedule I sleep well and wake up refreshed.
As soon as I break the schedule, everything changes. I don’t sleep as well and usually wake up feeling like I could still sleep for another day.
It is truly one of the best things you can do to start improving your sleep on a regular basis but you must stay consistent. Going off schedule will mess it up.
Honor Your Body With Exercise and You’ll Sleep Like a Log

Everybody knows exercise is a good thing. It only follows that exercising regularly will help you with sleep.
If you’re already exercising regularly you probably know about this one. Once I started exercising regularly again, I was ready to go to sleep early in the evening.
Sleep was calling my name. Exercise had a way of knocking me out a couple hours after dinner. It was great. I find that after you start exercising regularly, it doesn’t knock you out the same way.
That’s probably because you’re getting stronger and adapting to the physical exertion but it still helps you sleep like a log through the night.
I find that all manner of exercise helps. So it doesn’t seem to make a difference if you’re jumping rope, going for a long walk or lifting weight, it will all help you with grabbing those ever elusive Z’s.
Also, if you can get outside as part of your daily exercise or go for a swim, those things I find really amazing. The days I spent outside or swimming are the best.
I’m not sure if it’s the fresh air or what my body goes through with that type of exercise, but it seems amazing for sleep. The sleep in turn helps motivate me to exercise as well.
The facts don’t lie. It’s been shown that exercise can almost cut the amount of time it takes to fall asleep in half and add nearly 41 minutes of sleep per night.
Just imagine how sensational it would be to fall asleep twice as fast as usual and get extra sleep. All you have to do is add an exercise routine to your day. That’s a huge win and you know it.
Beat The Heat and Keep It Cool

I learned about this one early on. If you’re too warm when you go to bed you won’t sleep.
It’s that simple. The temperature when you hit the sack is critical. There were times as a kid I had to go down to our living room to sleep because our upstairs was too warm.
It was mostly just me. I’m warm at night. It has to be cool for me to fall asleep but not too cool. If the sheets on the bed can be thrown on and off easily, I’m in good shape.
This is really a personal thing. Everybody I’m sure is different. But I bet if you’re too warm you can’t sleep. Supposedly around 70 degrees F is the ideal range. Again, this is going to vary person to person.
That being said, it’s been found that bedroom temperature can affect your sleep even more than noise.
So if I could give you a small piece of advice, keep it chill. Although I mentioned above consistent bedtimes and exercise as being important, this one can quietly trump them both.
I think that consistent bedtimes and exercise for me are ranked the first and second most important factors to getting a good sleep. Room temperature is a very close third.
Because if it’s too warm, that’s hazardous. Who needs that?
Visualize That Perfectly Peaceful Place

I’ve heard variations of this one over the years. I think they all evolve from that legendary counting sheep advice.
This is about relaxing your thoughts and just focusing on sleep.
Imagine an image or a place that put you at ease just from looking at it. Focus on it. Put everything else out of your mind.
Now imagine you’re waiting for something to happen in that place or image. Maybe it’s a bird coming along. Possibly, a good friend coming to join you.
The key is to hold the image in your mind. The thing you’re waiting to happen, won’t happen. The image just stays the same. But, try and stay awake in your mind until the thing you’re waiting for happens. Keep your breathing slow and even the whole time.
The thing you’re waiting to have happen won’t because you only see the image. You attempting to stay awake until it does will actually cause you to fall asleep faster.
I know it sounds wacky. But just try it. I learned about it years ago. Recently I read a version of it that is used by the military to help soldiers fall asleep quickly even in noisy environments.
As crazy as it sounds, you may be pleasantly surprised. If the next thing you remember is waking up wondering what happened, you can thank me. If not, we’ll find something else. This isn’t magic.
A Sleepy Conclusion
Those are the key techniques that I try to implement to sleep like a log. There’s lots of suggestions out there but I think these four are at the top of the list. If you’ve been having trouble getting a good night’s sleep, give them a try. Stick with them.
Hopefully you’ll be waking up refreshed and ready to do whatever it is you do. I don’t need to know.
All great tips, thanks for sharing.
Thank you Bushra.